Find the Missing

Every year, thousands of people go missing across the world, leaving behind a trail of unanswered questions and heartbroken loved ones. In the United States, where going missing voluntarily is legally permissible, this phenomenon takes on a unique significance. When reporting a loved one as unreachable, law enforcement often highlights this possibility in the crucial first few hours, which are vital for any subsequent investigation. Sadly, there is no focused or unanimous effort from authorities to collect and store information in a centralized place where we can crowdsource our efforts to locate missing individuals.

This project aims to bridge that gap by creating a collaborative platform to gather and share information about missing persons. Please contribute by submitting your updates to the missing_persons_clean.csv file. Only submissions that include valid resource links for verification will be merged.

Please explore the interactive map that visualizes the locations and key details of missing persons and let's make a difference!